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Belitskii--Lyubich conjecture for $C$-analytic dynamical systems

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • The aim of this paper is study the problem of global asymptotic stability of solutions for $\mathbb C$-analytical dynamical systems (both with continuous and discrete time). In particular we present some new results for the $C$-analytical version of Belitskii--Lyubich conjecture. Some applications of these results for periodic $\mathbb C$-analytical differential/difference equations and the equations with impulse are given.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 34C25, 34D05, 34D20, 34D23, 34D45, 34G20, 37B25, 37B55, 7L15, 37L30, 37L50, 39A13, 39A23, 39A30, 39A45, 39A11, 39C10, 39C55.


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