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Planar tilting maneuver of a spacecraft: Singular arcs in the minimum time problem and chattering

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper, we study the minimum time planar tilting maneuver of a spacecraft, from the theoretical as well as from the numerical point of view, with a particular focus on the chattering phenomenon. We prove that there exist optimal chattering arcs when a singular junction occurs. Our study is based on the Pontryagin Maximum Principle and on results by M.I. Zelikin and V.F. Borisov. We give sufficient conditions on the terminal values under which the optimal solutions do not contain any singular arc, and are bang-bang with a finite number of switchings. Moreover, we implement sub-optimal strategies by replacing the chattering control with a fixed number of piecewise constant controls. Numerical simulations illustrate our results.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 49K15, 49M37, 65H20.


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