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Environmental risks in a diffusive SIS model incorporating use efficiency of the medical resource

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • To capture the impact of spatial heterogeneity of environment and available resource of the public health system on the persistence and extinction of the infectious disease, a simplified spatial SIS reaction-diffusion model with allocation and use efficiency of the medical resource is proposed. A nonlinear space dependent recovery rate is introduced to model impact of available public health resource on the transmission dynamics of the disease. The basic reproduction numbers associated with the diseases in the spatial setting are defined, and then the low, moderate and high risks of the environment are classified. Our results show that the complicated dynamical behaviors of the system are induced by the variation of the use efficiency of medical resources, which suggests that maintaining appropriate number of public health resources and well management are important to control and prevent the temporal-spatial spreading of the infectious disease. The numerical simulations are presented to illustrate the impact of the use efficiency of medical resources on the control of the spreading of infectious disease.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35R35; Secondary: 35K60.


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