Ex. | | |
1 | | |
2 | | |
3 | | |
4 | | |
We investigate a non-local geometric flow preserving surface area enclosed by a curve on a given surface evolved in the normal direction by the geodesic curvature and the external force. We show how such a flow of surface curves can be projected into a flow of planar curves with the non-local normal velocity. We prove that the surface area preserving flow decreases the length of the evolved surface curves. Local existence and continuation of classical smooth solutions to the governing system of partial differential equations is analysed as well. Furthermore, we propose a numerical method of flowing finite volume for spatial discretization in combination with the Runge-Kutta method for solving the resulting system. Several computational examples demonstrate variety of evolution of surface curves and the order of convergence.
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Figure 3.
Left: the initial curve
Table 1. Settings of computational examples
Ex. | | |
1 | | |
2 | | |
3 | | |
4 | | |
Table 2. Table of EOCs for Example 1
| | EOC | | EOC |
100 | | - | | - |
200 | | 1.9740 | 8.2767 | 1.9740 |
300 | | 2.0165 | 3.6542 | 2.0164 |
400 | | 2.0118 | 2.0485 | 2.0117 |
500 | | 2.0103 | 1.3081 | 2.0102 |
Table 3. Table of EOCs for Example 2
| EOC | | EOC | |
100 | | - | | - |
200 | | 1.9993 | | 2.0002 |
300 | | 2.0019 | | 2.0022 |
400 | | 2.0045 | | 2.0046 |
500 | | 2.0077 | | 2.0077 |
Table 4. Table of EOCs for Example 3
| | EOC | | EOC |
100 | | - | | - |
200 | | 2.2005 | | 2.2972 |
300 | | 2.0149 | | 2.0082 |
400 | | 2.0021 | | 2.0015 |
500 | | 1.9980 | | 1.9980 |
Table 5. Table of EOCs for Example 4
| | EOC | | EOC |
100 | | - | | - |
200 | | 2.0009 | | 2.0018 |
300 | | 1.9986 | | 1.9988 |
400 | | 1.9978 | | 1.9980 |
500 | | 1.9966 | | 1.9968 |
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