The properties of stability of a compact set $\mathcal{K}$ which is positively invariant for a semiflow $(\Omega× {W^{1,\infty }}([-r,0],\mathbb{R}^n),Π,\mathbb{R}^+)$ determined by a family of nonautonomous FDEs with state-dependent delay taking values in $[0,r]$ are analyzed. The solutions of the variational equation through the orbits of $\mathcal{K}$ induce linear skew-product semiflows on the bundles $\mathcal{K}×{W^{1,\infty }}([-r,0],\mathbb{R}^n)$ and $\mathcal{K}× C([-r,0],\mathbb{R}^n)$ . The coincidence of the upper-Lyapunov exponents for both semiflows is checked, and it is a fundamental tool to prove that the strictly negative character of this upper-Lyapunov exponent is equivalent to the exponential stability of $\mathcal{K}$ in $\Omega×{W^{1,\infty }}([-r,0],\mathbb{R}^n)$ and also to the exponential stability of this compact set when the supremum norm is taken in ${W^{1,\infty }}([-r,0],\mathbb{R}^n)$ . In particular, the existence of a uniformly exponentially stable solution of a uniformly almost periodic FDE ensures the existence of exponentially stable almost periodic solutions.
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