Focusing on stochastic dynamics involving continuous states as well as discrete events, this paper investigates dynamical behaviors of stochastic multi-group Lotka-Volterra model with regime switching. The contributions of the paper lie on: (a) giving the sufficient conditions of stochastic permanence for generic stochastic multi-group Lotka-Volterra model, which are much weaker than the existing results in the literature; (b) obtaining the stochastic strong permanence and ergodic property for the mutualistic systems; (c) establishing the almost surely asymptotic estimate of solutions. These can specify some realistic recurring phenomena and reveal the fact that regime switching can suppress the impermanence. A couple of examples and numerical simulations are given to illustrate our results.
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Sample paths of
A sample path of
Sample paths of
Case 1. A sample path of
Case 2. A sample path of
A sample path of
Stationary distribution and scatter plot of a sample path of state-
Stationary distribution and scatter plot of a sample path of state-
Case 1. A sample path of
Case 1. Stationary distribution and scatter plot of a sample path of the switching system in Example 7.2
Case 1. A sample path in time average of the switching system in Example 7.2
Case2. A sample path of