In this paper, we study the modified Camassa-Holm (mCH) equation in Lagrangian coordinates. For some initial data $m_0$, we show that classical solutions to this equation blow up in finite time $T_{max}$. Before $T_{max}$, existence and uniqueness of classical solutions are established. Lifespan for classical solutions is obtained: $T_{max}≥ \frac{1}{||m_0||_{L^∞}||m_0||_{L^1}}.$ And there is a unique solution $X(ξ, t)$ to the Lagrange dynamics which is a strictly monotonic function of $ξ$ for any $t∈[0, T_{max})$: $X_ξ(·, t)>0$. As $t$ approaching $T_{max}$, we prove that the classical solution $m(·, t)$ in Eulerian coordinates has a unique limit $m(·, T_{max})$ in Radon measure space and there is a point $ξ_0$ such that $X_ξ(ξ_0, T_{max}) = 0$ which means $T_{max}$ is an onset time of collisions of characteristics. We also show that in some cases peakons are formed at $T_{max}$. After $T_{max}$, we regularize the Lagrange dynamics to prove global existence of weak solutions $m$ in Radon measure space.
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