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On the mild Itô formula in Banach spaces

  • * Corresponding author: Sonja Cox

    * Corresponding author: Sonja Cox 
This work is partly financed by the NWO-research programme VENI Vernieuwingsimpuls with project number 639:031:549. It is also partly financed by SNSF-Research project 200021_156603 "Numerical approximations of nonlinear stochastic ordinary and partial differential equations".
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Related Papers Cited by
  • The mild Itô formula proposed in Theorem 1 in [Da Prato, G., Jentzen, A., & Röckner, M., A mild Ito formula for SPDEs, arXiv: 1009.3526 (2012), To appear in the Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.] has turned out to be a useful instrument to study solutions and numerical approximations of stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) which are formulated as stochastic evolution equations (SEEs) on Hilbert spaces. In this article we generalize this mild Itô formula so that it is applicable to stopping times instead of deterministic time points and so that it is applicable to solutions and numerical approximations of SPDEs which are formulated as SEEs on UMD (unconditional martingale differences) Banach spaces. These generalizations are especially useful for proving essentially sharp weak convergence rates for numerical approximations of SPDEs such as stochastic heat equations with nonlinear diffusion coefficients.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 60H05; secondary: 60H15.


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