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Finite dimensional reducing and smooth approximating for a class of stochastic partial differential equations

  • * Corresponding author: Guanggan Chen

    * Corresponding author: Guanggan Chen
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  • This work provides a finite dimensional reducing and a smooth approximating for a class of stochastic partial differential equations with an additive white noise. Using the invariant random cone to show the asymptotical completion, this stochastic partial differential equation is reduced to a stochastic ordinary differential equation on a random invariant manifold. Furthermore, after deriving the finite dimensional reducing for another stochastic partial differential equation driven by a Wong-Zakai scheme via a smooth colored noise, it is proved that when the smooth colored noise tends to the white noise, the solution and the finite dimensional reducing of the approximate system converge pathwisely to those of the original system.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 37L55, 60H15, 58J65; Secondary: 37D10.


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