As it is well known, the dynamics of the stochastic SIRS epidemic model with mass action is governed by a threshold $ \mathcal{R_S} $. If $ \mathcal{R_S}<1 $ the disease dies out from the population, while if $ \mathcal{R_S}> 1 $ the disease persists. However, when $ \mathcal{R_S} = 1 $, classical techniques used to study the asymptotic behaviour do not work any more. In this paper, we give answer to this open problem by using a new approach involving some adequate stopping times. Our results show that if $ \mathcal{R_S} = 1 $ then, small noises promote extinction while the large one promote persistence. So, it is exactly the opposite role of the noises in case when $ \mathcal{R_S}\neq 1 $.
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Figure 1. simulation results of $ S(t),I(t),R(t) $ respectively for the SDE model (1.1) with different initial conditions $ (S_{0},I_{0},R_{0}) $ and the parameters: $ \mu = 0.1 $, $ \beta = 0.62 $, $ \lambda = 0.5 $, $ \gamma = 0.5 $, $ \sigma = 0.2 $. Here $ \mathcal{R_S} = 1 $ and $ \sigma^{2}<\beta $. For the different values of initial conditions the infection-free equilibrium $ E_0(1,0,0) $ is asymptotically stable in probability
Figure 2. simulation results of $ S(t),I(t),R(t) $ respectively for the SDE model (1.1) with different initial conditions $ (S_{0},I_{0},R_{0}) $ and the parameters: $ \mu = 0.1 $, $ \beta = 0.7802 $, $ \lambda = 0.2 $, $ \gamma = 0.2 $, $ \sigma = 0.98 $. Here $ \mathcal{R_S} = 1 $ and $ \beta<\sigma^{2} $. For the different values of initial conditions, respectively, $ S(t) $, $ I(t) $ and $ R(t) $ rises to or above the level $ \xi_s = 0.6247 $, $ \xi_i = 0.2252 $ and $ \xi_r = 0.1501 $ infinitely often with probability one
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simulation results of
simulation results of