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Analysis of a diffusive SIS epidemic model with spontaneous infection and a linear source in spatially heterogeneous environment

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  • In this paper, we investigate a diffusive SIS epidemic model with spontaneous infection and a linear source in spatially heterogeneous environment. We first prove that the solution of the model is bounded when the susceptible and infected individuals have same or distinct dispersal rates. The global stability of the constant endemic equilibrium is proved by constructing suitable Lyapunov functionals when all parameters are positive constants. We employ the topological degree argument to show the existence of positive steady state. Most importantly, we have also investigated the asymptotic profiles of the positive steady state as the dispersal rate of susceptible or infected individuals tends to zero or infinity. Our result reveals that a linear source and spontaneous infection can significantly enhance disease persistence no matter what dispersal rate of the susceptible or infected population is small or large, which leads to the situation that when total population number allows to vary, disease becomes more difficult to control.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: 35K57, 37N25, 35B40.


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