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Recent developments on a singular predator-prey model

  • * Corresponding author: Jong-Sheng Guo

    * Corresponding author: Jong-Sheng Guo 

This work is partially supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan under the grants 106-2811-M-032-008 and 105-2115-M-032-003-MY3

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  • This work is concerned with the dynamical behaviors of a singular predator-prey model. We first review some well-known results obtained recently. Then we give some new results on the spreading speed of the predator, the existence vs non-existence of traveling waves connecting the predator-free state to the co-existence state, and the existence vs non-existence of spatially periodic traveling waves to this singular predator-prey system.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35K55, 35K57; Secondary: 92D25, 92D40.


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