The global well-posedness and large time behavior of solutions for the Cauchy problem of the three-dimensional generalized Navier-Stokes equations are studied. We first construct a local continuous solution, then by combining some a priori estimates and the continuity argument, the local continuous solution is extended to all $ t>0 $ step by step provided that the initial data is sufficiently small. In addition, by using Strauss's inequality, generalized interpolation type lemma and a bootstrap argument, we establish the $ L^p $ decay estimate for the solution $ u(\cdot,t) $ and all its derivatives for generalized Navier-Stokes equations with $ \max\{1,\frac{3+q}6\}<\alpha\leq\frac12+\min\{\frac3q-\frac3p,\frac3{2p}\} $.
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