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The paper considers a $ n $-patch model with migration terms, where each patch follows a logistic law. First, we give some properties of the total equilibrium population. In some particular cases, we determine the conditions under which fragmentation and migration can lead to a total equilibrium population which might be greater or smaller than the sum of the $ n $ carrying capacities. Second, in the case of perfect mixing, i.e when the migration rate tends to infinity, the total population follows a logistic law with a carrying capacity which in general is different from the sum of the $ n $ carrying capacities. Finally, for the three-patch model we show numerically that the increase in number of patches from two to three gives a new behavior for the dynamics of the total equilibrium population as a function of the migration rate.
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Figure 1. Qualitative properties of model (4) when (16) holds. In $ \mathcal{J}_0 $, patchiness has a beneficial effect on total equilibrium population. This effect is detrimental in $ \mathcal{J}_2 $. In $ \mathcal{J}_1 $, the effect is beneficial for $ \beta<\beta_0 $ and detrimental for $ \beta>\beta_0 $
Figure 2. Total equilibrium population $ X_{T}^{\ast} $ of the system (4) $ (n = 3) $ as a function of migration rate $ \beta $. The parameter values are given in Table 1
Figure 3. Total equilibrium population $ X_{T}^{\ast} $ of the system (4) $ (n = 3) $ as a function of migration rate $ \beta $. The figure on the right is a zoom, near the origin, of the figure on the left. The parameter values are given in Table 1
Figure 4. Total equilibrium population $ X_{T}^{\ast} $ of the system (4) $ (n = 3) $ as a function of migration rate $ \beta $. The parameter values are given in Table 1
Table 1.
The numerical values of the parameters for the logistic growth function of the model (4), with
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Qualitative properties of model (4) when (16) holds. In
Total equilibrium population
Total equilibrium population
Total equilibrium population
The intersection point