This paper studies bifurcations in the coupled $ 2 $ dimensional almost periodic Ricker map. We establish criteria for stability of an almost periodic solution in terms of the Lyapunov exponents of a corresponding dynamical system and use them to find a bifurcation function. We find that if the almost periodic coefficients of all the maps are identical, then the bifurcation function is the same as the one obtained in the one dimensional case treated earlier, and that this result holds in $ N $ dimension under modest coupling constraints. In the general two-dimensional case, we compute the Lyapunov exponents numerically and use them to examine the stability and bifurcations of the almost periodic solutions.
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Figure 3.
Plots of the values of the two Lyapunov Exponents
Figure 4.
The border of the stability region for an almost periodic solution is shown for the values
Figure 5.
The top left image shows the long-term dynamics of
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The stability region of the coexistence fixed point of equation (4) is shown in the
Plot of the Bifurcation Equation
Plots of the values of the two Lyapunov Exponents
The border of the stability region for an almost periodic solution is shown for the values
The top left image shows the long-term dynamics of