possibilities of | types and stabilities |
The paper deals with the bifurcation diagram and all global phase portraits in the Poincaré disc of a nonsmooth van der Pol-Duffing oscillator with the form $ \dot{x} = y $, $ \dot{y} = a_1x+a_2x^3+b_1y+b_2|x|y $, where $ a_i, b_i $ are real and $ a_2b_2\neq0 $, $ i = 1, 2 $. The system is an equivariant system. When the sum of indices of equilibria is $ -1 $, i.e., $ a_2>0 $, it is proven that the bifurcation diagram includes one Hopf bifurcation surface, one pitchfork bifurcation surface and one heteroclinic bifurcation surface. Although the vector field is only $ C^1 $, we still obtain that the heteroclinic bifurcation surface is $ C^{\infty} $ and a generalized Hopf bifurcation occurs. Moreover, we also find that the heteroclinic bifurcation surface and the focus-node surface have exactly one intersection curve.
Citation: |
Table 1.
Properties of
possibilities of | types and stabilities |
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The slice
The relative positions of
Dynamical behaviors near
Dynamical behaviors near
Dynamical behaviors near saddles
The closed orbit
Annular regions according the positions of
The changes of unstable and stable manifolds
Numerical phase portraits with three equilibria
Numerical phase portraits with one closed orbit surrounding a focus
Numerical phase portraits with one closed orbit surrounding an unidirectional node
Numerical phase portraits with one closed orbit surrounding a bidirectional node