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The multi-dimensional stochastic Stefan financial model for a portfolio of assets

  • * Corresponding author: Georgia Karali

    * Corresponding author: Georgia Karali
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(8) / Table(5) Related Papers Cited by
  • The financial model proposed involves the liquidation process of a portfolio through sell / buy orders placed at a price $ x\in\mathbb{R}^n $, with volatility. Its rigorous mathematical formulation results to an $ n $-dimensional outer parabolic Stefan problem with noise. The moving boundary encloses the areas of zero trading. We will focus on a case of financial interest when one or more markets are considered. We estimate the areas of zero trading with diameter approximating the minimum of the $ n $ spreads for orders from the limit order books. In dimensions $ n = 3 $, for zero volatility, this problem stands as a mean field model for Ostwald ripening, and has been proposed and analyzed by Niethammer in [25], and in [7]. We propose a spherical moving boundaries approach where the zero trading area consists of a union of spherical domains centered at portfolios various prices with radii representing the half of the minimum spread. We apply Itô calculus and provide second order formal asymptotics for the stochastic dynamics of the spreads that seem to disconnect the financial model from a large diffusion assumption on the liquidity coefficient of the Laplacian that would correspond to an increased trading density. Moreover, we solve the approximating systems numerically.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 91G80, 91B70, 60H30, 60H15; Secondary: 65C30.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Solid phase $ \mathcal{D}(0) $ of $ I = 3 $ initial circular domains (discs) in $ \mathbb{R}^2 $, where $ \mathbb{R}^2-\mathcal{D}(0) $ consists the initial liquid phase, and $ \Gamma(0) = \Gamma_1(0)\cup\Gamma_2(0)\cup\Gamma_3(0) $

    Figure 2.  Radii dynamics of $ 4 $ balls at the solid phase at the left, and radii dynamics of $ 100 $ balls at the solid phase at the right

    Figure 3.  Radii dynamics of $ 2 $ balls at the solid phase

    Figure 4.  Radius dynamics of one ball at the solid phase with relatively large spread at the left, and radius dynamics of one ball at the solid phase with relatively small spread at the right

    Figure 5.  100 realizations of $ R(t) $, for $ t\in[0,15] $, with first order approximation

    Figure 6.  100 realizations of $ R(t) $, for $ t = 15 $ (first order approximation)

    Figure 7.  100 realizations of $ R(t) $, for $ t\in[0,15] $, with second order approximation

    Figure 8.  100 realizations of $ R(t) $, for $ t = 15 $ (second order approximation)

    Table 1.  A sample of 5 quotes for asset 1

    Time $ t_j $ $ A_1(t_j) $ $ B_1(t_j) $ $ spr_1(t_j) $ $ \frac{A_1(t_j)+B_1(t_j)}{2} $
    9:00 30.25 29.75 0.5 30
    9:02 30.75 29.50 1.25 30.125
    9:04 31.00 29.25 1.75 30.125
    9:06 31.50 29.00 2.50 30.25
    9:08 35.00 28.75 6.25 31.875
    Sum 158.5 146.25 12.25 152.375
    $ \bar{spr}_1 $ $ 12.25/5=2.45 $
    $ lspra_1 $ $ \ln(158.5)-\ln(146.25)=0.080437 $
    $ x_{c1} $ $ \ln(152.375/5)=3.417 $
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    Table 2.  A sample of 5 quotes for asset 2

    Time $ t_j $ $ A_2(t_j) $ $ B_2(t_j) $ $ spr_2(t_j) $ $ \frac{A_2(t_j)+B_2(t_j)}{2} $
    9:00 15.00 14.25 0.75 14.625
    9:02 15.25 14.25 1.00 14.75
    9:04 15.25 15.00 0.25 15.125
    9:06 15.50 15.25 0.25 15.375
    9:08 15.75 15.50 0.25 15.625
    Sum 76.75 74.25 2.50 75.50
    $ \bar{spr}_2 $ $ 2.50/5=0.5 $
    $ lspra_2 $ $ \ln(76.75)-\ln(74.25)=0.03312 $
    $ x_{c2} $ $ \ln(75.50/5)=2.715 $
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    Table 3.  A sample of 5 quotes for asset 3

    Time $ t_j $ $ A_3(t_j) $ $ B_3(t_j) $ $ spr_3(t_j) $ $ \frac{A_3(t_j)+B_3(t_j)}{2} $
    9:00 20.75 19.50 1.25 20.125
    9:02 21.00 19.50 1.50 20.25
    9:04 21.25 19.25 2.00 20.25
    9:06 22.00 18.25 3.75 20.125
    9:08 25.50 18.50 7.00 22.00
    Sum 110.5 95 15.50 102.75
    $ \bar{spr}_3 $ $ 15.50/5=3.1 $
    $ lspra_3 $ $ \ln(110.5)-\ln(95)=0.15114 $
    $ x_{c3} $ $ \ln(102.75/5)=3.023 $
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    Table 4.  Number of shares sold, and liquidity coefficient

    Asset $ w_i $ $ a_i=w_i/\bar{spr}_i $ $ w_i/w_{\rm tot} $ $ a_i w_i/w_{\rm tot} $
    1 550 550/2.45=224.49 550/1600=0.34375 77.168
    2 750 750/0.5=1500 750/1600=0.46875 703.125
    3 300 300/3.1=96.774 300/1600=0.1875 18.145
    Sum 1600 $ \alpha_{\rm in}=798.438 $
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    Table 5.  Number of shares sold, and liquidity coefficient in logarithmic scale

    Asset $ w_i $ $ w_i/lspr_i $ $ w_i/w_{\rm tot} $ $ \frac{w_i}{lspra_i}\frac{w_i}{w_{\rm tot}} $
    1 550 550/0.080437=6837.64 550/1600=0.34375 2350.438
    2 750 750/0.03312=22644.92 750/1600=0.46875 10614.806
    3 300 300/0.15114=1984.91 300/1600=0.1875 372.170
    Sum 1600 $ \alpha=13337.414 $
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