In this paper, we aim to investigate the dynamic transition of the Klausmeier-Gray-Scott (KGS) model in a rectangular domain or a square domain. Our research tool is the dynamic transition theory for the dissipative system. Firstly, we verify the principle of exchange of stability (PES) by analyzing the spectrum of the linear part of the model. Secondly, by utilizing the method of center manifold reduction, we show that the model undergoes a continuous transition or a jump transition. For the model in a rectangular domain, we discuss the transitions of the model from a real simple eigenvalue and a pair of simple complex eigenvalues. our results imply that the model bifurcates to exactly two new steady state solutions or a periodic solution, whose stability is determined by a non-dimensional coefficient. For the model in a square domain, we only focus on the transition from a real eigenvalue with algebraic multiplicity 2. The result shows that the model may bifurcate to an $ S^{1} $ attractor with 8 non-degenerate singular points. In addition, a saddle-node bifurcation is also possible. At the end of the article, some numerical results are performed to illustrate our conclusions.
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the topological structure of phase portrait of continuous transition as control parameter
the topological structure of phase portrait of jump transition as control parameter
the topological structure of phase portrait of jump transition as control parameter λ < Λc
the topological structure of phase portrait of jump transition as control parameter λ > Λc
8 nondegenerate singular points
Plot of the numerical solution
Plot of the numerical solution
Plot of the numerical solution