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A quasilinear parabolic-parabolic chemotaxis model with logistic source and singular sensitivity

  • * Corresponding author: Jie Zhao

    * Corresponding author: Jie Zhao
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Related Papers Cited by
  • This paper deals with the dynamical properties of the quasilinear parabolic-parabolic chemotaxis system

    under homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions in a convex bounded domain $ \Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^{n} $, $ n\geq2 $, with smooth boundary. $ \chi>0 $ and $ \mu>0 $, $ D(u) $ is supposed to satisfy the behind properties

    $ \begin{equation*} \begin{split} D(u)\geq (u+1)^{\alpha} \, \, \, \text{with}\, \, \, \alpha>0. \end{split} \end{equation*} $

    It is shown that there is a positive constant $ m_{*} $ such that

    $ \begin{equation*} \begin{split} \int_{\Omega}u\geq m_{*} \end{split} \end{equation*} $

    for all $ t\geq0 $. Moreover, we prove that the solution is globally bounded. Finally, it is asserted that the solution exponentially converges to the constant stationary solution $ (1, 1) $.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: 92C17, 35B40, 35K55, 35K57, 42A15.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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