In this paper a discrete-time two prey one predator model is considered with delay and Holling Type-Ⅲ functional response. The cost of fear of predation and the effect of anti-predator behavior of the prey is incorporated in the model, coupled with inter-specific competition among the prey species and intra-specific competition within the predator. The conditions for existence of the equilibrium points are obtained. We further derive the sufficient conditions for permanence and global stability of the co-existence equilibrium point. It is observed that the effect of fear induces stability in the system by eliminating the periodic solutions. On the other hand the effect of anti-predator behavior plays a major role in de-stabilizing the system by giving rise to predator-prey oscillations. Finally, several numerical simulations are performed which support our analytical findings.
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Figure 1. Existence of the equilibrium point $ E_5(0, x_2', z') $ of system (2) with the parameter values $ r_2 = 2, b_2 = 1 , \beta = 1.5, g_2 = 0.03 , d = 1 , d_1 = 0.1 , \alpha = 5, m = 0.025, c_2 = 1 $. For the chosen parameters the conditions of Theorem 1 are verified with $ Q = 8.73724>0 $, $ S = -2.89871<0 $
Figure 4. Bifurcation diagram and chaos 0-1 test of system (2) with the parameter values $ r_1 = 2 , h = 3.8, p = 0.3 , q = 0.6, , b_1 = 1.5, b_2 = 1 , \beta = 1.5 , g_1 = 0.08 , g_2 = 0.03 , d = 1 , d_1 = 0.1 , \alpha = 5, m = 0.025, c_2 = 1, c_1 = 1.4, \tau_1 = 2, \tau_2 = 2 $, showing the existence of chaos with increase in $ r_2 $
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Existence of the equilibrium point
Time series of (2) with the parameter values
Phase portraits and time series of (2) with the parameter values
Bifurcation diagram and chaos 0-1 test of system (2) with the parameter values
Stability region of system (2) for the varying parameters
Bifurcation diagram and chaos 0-1 test of system (2) with the parameter values