In this paper, we consider a class of cubic systems with polynomial perturbation of the degree at most $ n $, and estimate the upper bound of the number of isolated zeros of its Abelian integral. Furthermore, we obtain the distributions of limit cycles bifurcated from a $ Z_4 $-equivariant system with $ 5 $ centers.
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Figure 2. Phase portraits of system (1.8) for $ c<0 $. $ D_{1}^{-} = \{a>0,b\geq 2c\}, D_{2}^{-} = \{a<0,b^2>4ac\}, D_{3}^{-} = \{a<0,b^2<4ac,b>2c,b>2a\}, D_{4}^{-} = \{a<0,b\leq 2c,b\geq 2a\}, D_{5}^{-} = \{a<0,b\geq 2c,b\leq2a\},D_{6}^{-} = \{a<0,b<2c,b<2a\}, D_{7}^{-} = \{a>0,b<2c\}, l_{1}^{-} = \{b = 2a, a<0\}, l_{2}^{-} = \{b^2 = 4ac,a<0\} $
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Phase portraits of system (1.8) for
Phase portraits of system (1.8) for
The distribution of 5 limit cycles of system (1.10)
Phase portrait of unperturbed system of (1.10)
The distribution of limit cycles when