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Random exponential attractor for stochastic non-autonomous suspension bridge equation with additive white noise

  • *Corresponding author: Ling Xu

    *Corresponding author: Ling Xu 
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  • In this paper, we mainly consider the existence of random attractor and random exponential attractor for stochastic non-autonomous suspension bridge equation with additive white noise. First step, the well-posedness and the existence of a random attractor for the cocycle associated with the considered system is established. Second step, the upper semicontinuity of random attractors is also provided when the coefficient of random term approaches zero. Third step, we prove the regularity of random attractor in a higher regular space by the "iteration" method. Finally, we give the existence of a random exponential attractor for the considered system, which implies the finiteness of fractal dimension of random attractor.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 60H15, 35Q35; Secondary: 35B40.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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