In this paper, we study the chaotic behavior of a class of hybrid piecewise-smooth system incorporated into an impulsive effect (HPSS-IE) under a periodic perturbation. More precisely, we assume that the unperturbed system with a homoclinic orbit, it transversally jumps across the first switching manifold by an impulsive stimulation and continuously crosses the second switching manifold. Then the corresponding Melnikov-type function is derived. Based on the new Melnikov-type function, the bifurcation and chaotic threshold of the perturbed HPSS-IE are analyzed. Furthermore, numerical simulations are precisely demonstrated through a concrete example. The results indicate that it is an extension work of previous references.
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Piecewise smooth homoclinic orbit of the unperturbed system (5)
The stable and unstable manifolds of perturbed homoclinic orbit for system (4)
The stable and unstable manifolds of perturbed homoclinic orbit for system (4)
Threshold curves of chaos and parameters bifurcation diagram for system (22)
The phase portraits and time history curves of system (22) where (a) the phase portraits of
The phase portraits and time history curves of system (22) where (a) the phase portraits of
The phase portraits, Poincaré section and time history curves of system (22), taking
The phase portraits, Poincaré section and time history curves of system (22), taking