This article introduces new geometric flow for space curves with positive curvature and torsion. Curves evolving according to this motion law trace out a zero mean curvature surface. First, the geometry of surfaces defined as trajectories of moving curves is analyzed and the minimal surface generating flow is derived. Then, an upper bound for the area of the generated minimal surface and for the terminating time of the flow is provided.
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Figure 1. Numerical solution to (11-13) with the initial condition given by (25). The curvature $ \kappa $ vanishes at $ t_{max} = 0.20628 $. The curves $ \Gamma_0 $ and $ \Gamma_{max} $ were reconstructed from $ \kappa $, $ \tau $ and $ g $. The position and orientation was partially recovered using Principal component analysis. However, the rotation around the $ z $-axis was not preserved
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Numerical solution to (11-13) with the initial condition given by (25). The curvature