Detecting an isolated homoclinic or heteroclinic cycle is a great challenge in a concrete system, letting alone the case of coexisting scenarios and more complicated chaotic behaviors. This paper systematically investigates the dynamics for a class of three-dimensional (3D) three-zone piecewise affine systems (PWASs) consisting of three sub-systems. Interestingly, under different conditions the considered system can display three types of coexisting singular cycles including: homoclinic and homoclinic cycles, heteroclinic and heteroclinic cycles, homoclinic and heteroclinic cycles. Furthermore, it establishes sufficient conditions for the presence of chaotic invariant sets emerged from such coexisting cycles. Finally, three numerical examples are provided to verify the proposed theoretical results.
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Geometric structure of
Geometric structure of
Geometric structure of
Geometric structure of Geometry of
Geometric structure of Geometry of
Geometric structure of
System (35) in Example 1 has (a) a homoclinic
(a) The phase portrait of a chaotic set of system (35). The projection of the chaotic set in (b) x-y plane, (c)y-z plane
System (36) in Example 2 has (a) a heteroclinic cycle
(a) The phase portrait of a chaotic set of system (36). The projection of the chaotic set in (b) x-z plane, (c)y-z plane
System (37) in Example 3 has (a) a heteroclinic cycle
(a) The phase portrait of a chaotic set of system (37). The projection of the chaotic set in (b) x-y plane, (c)x-z plane