In this paper, we deal with the following indirect pursuit-evasion model
under homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions in a bounded domain
$ \chi<\left\{\begin{array}{ll} 4\sqrt{\frac{a(1+ab)}{b(\lambda+a\mu)}}, \quad\; \; \mbox{if}\; \; \lambda>b\mu, \\ 4\sqrt{\frac{a}{b\lambda}}, \quad\; \; \mbox{if}\; \; \lambda\leq b\mu\ \end{array}\right. $
$ u_* = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} \frac{\lambda+a\mu}{1+ab}, \quad\; \; \mbox{if}\; \; \lambda>b\mu, \\ \lambda, \quad\; \; \mbox{if}\; \; \lambda\leq b\mu\ \end{array}\right. $
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