This manuscript investigates a dynamical system in which $ 2N $ primary particles of equal masses move in space under Newton's law of gravitation forming the vertices of antiprisms while a particle of negligible mass moves along the common axis of symmetry of the antiprisms. This $ n $-body problem that we call the restricted hip-hop $ (2N + 1) $-body problem is an extension of the generalized Sitnikov problem studied in [17] for which the primaries remain in a plane. This work also relies on an early study [14] where certain families of periodic hip-hop solutions to a $ 2N $–body problem were constructed. We prove the existence of a continuous symmetric family of solutions of the restricted hip-hop $ (2N+1) $-body problem for each family of symmetric and periodic hip-hop solutions of the primaries studied in [14]. The main tools for proving our results are the implicit function theorem and a compactness argument. In addition, we present some numerical periodic solutions to the restricted $ 7 $-body problem.
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Restricted Hip-hop 5-body problem with four primaries. At any time, the primaries are placed at the vertices of a regular
Graph of the
Image of the (6+1)-bodies for the solution given by the parameters
Graph of the
Image of the (6+1)-bodies for the solution given by the parameters