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Deep learning algorithms for solving high-dimensional nonlinear backward stochastic differential equations

  • * Corresponding author: Lorenc Kapllani

    * Corresponding author: Lorenc Kapllani 
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(24) / Table(11) Related Papers Cited by
  • In this work, we propose a new deep learning-based scheme for solving high-dimensional nonlinear backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs). The idea is to reformulate the problem as a global optimization problem where local loss functions are included. Essentially, we approximate the unknown solution of a BSDE using a deep neural network and the gradient of the approximated solution with automatic differentiation. The approximations are performed by globally minimizing the quadratic local loss function defined at each time step, which always includes the terminal condition. This kind of loss functions are obtained by iterating the Euler-Maruyama discretization of the integrals with the terminal condition. Our formulation can prompt the stochastic gradient descent algorithm not only to take the accuracy at each time layer into account, but also converge to a good local minima, namely an estimated solution near to the exact solution. In order to demonstrate performances of our algorithm, several high-dimensional nonlinear BSDEs including pricing problems in finance are provided.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 60H35, 65C30, 68T07; Secondary: 65C20.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  The architecture of the LaDBSDE scheme

    Figure 2.  The empirical speed of convergence for $ (Y_0, Z_0) $ in Example 1 using $ d = 1 $. The average runtime of the algorithms is given in seconds

    Figure 3.  Realizations of $ 5 $ independent paths for Example 1 using $ d = 1 $ and $ N = 256 $. $ (Y_t, Z_t) $ and $ (\mathcal{Y}_t^{\hat{\theta}},\mathcal{Z}_t^{\hat{\theta}}) $ are exact and learned solutions for $ t \in [0, T] $, respectively

    Figure 4.  The mean regression errors $ (\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_i}, \bar{\epsilon}_{Z_i}) $ at time step $ t_i, i = 0, \ldots, N-1 $ for Example 1 using $ d = 1 $ and $ N = 256 $. The standard deviation is given in the shaded area

    Figure 5.  The empirical speed of convergence for $ (Y_0, Z_0) $ in Example 1 using $ d = 100 $. The average runtime of the algorithms is given in seconds

    Figure 6.  Realizations of $ 5 $ independent paths for Example 1 using $ d = 100 $ and $ N = 128 $. $ (Y_t, Z_t^1) $ and $ (\mathcal{Y}_t^{\hat{\theta}},\mathcal{Z}_t^{1,\hat{\theta}}) $ are exact and learned solutions for $ t \in [0, T] $, respectively

    Figure 7.  The mean regression errors $ (\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_i}, \bar{\epsilon}_{Z_i}) $ at time step $ t_i, i = 0, \ldots, N-1 $ for Example 1 using $ d = 100 $ and $ N = 128 $. The standard deviation is given in the shaded area

    Figure 8.  The empirical speed of convergence for $ (Y_0, Z_0) $ in Example 2 using $ d = 100 $. The average runtime of the algorithms is given in seconds

    Figure 9.  Realizations of $ 5 $ independent paths for Example 2 using $ d = 100 $ and $ N = 128 $. $ (Y_t, Z_t^1) $ and $ (\mathcal{Y}_t^{\hat{\theta}},\mathcal{Z}_t^{1,\hat{\theta}}) $ are exact and learned solutions for $ t \in [0, T] $, respectively

    Figure 10.  The mean regression errors $ (\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_i}, \bar{\epsilon}_{Z_i}) $ at time step $ t_i, i = 0, \ldots, N-1 $ for Example 2 using $ d = 100 $ and $ N = 128 $. The standard deviation is given in the shaded area

    Figure 11.  Realizations of $ 5 $ independent paths for Example 3 using $ d = 2 $ and $ N = 128 $. $ (Y_t, Z_t^1) $ and $ (\mathcal{Y}_t^{\hat{\theta}},\mathcal{Z}_t^{1,\hat{\theta}}) $ are exact and learned solutions for $ t \in [0, T] $, respectively

    Figure 12.  The mean regression errors $ (\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_i}, \bar{\epsilon}_{Z_i}) $ at time step $ t_i, i = 0, \ldots, N-1 $ for Examplek__ge 3 using $ d = 2 $ and $ N = 128 $. The standard deviation is given in the shaded area

    Figure 13.  Realizations of $ 5 $ independent paths for Example 3 using $ d = 10 $ and $ N = 128 $. $ (Y_t, Z_t^1) $ and $ (\mathcal{Y}_t^{\hat{\theta}},\mathcal{Z}_t^{1,\hat{\theta}}) $ are exact and learned solutions for $ t \in [0, T] $, respectively

    Figure 14.  Realizations of $ 5 $ independent paths for Example 3 using $ d = 10 $ and $ N = 128 $. $ (Z_t^4, Z_t^{10}) $ and $ (\mathcal{Z}_t^{4, \hat{\theta}},\mathcal{Z}_t^{10,\hat{\theta}}) $ are exact and learned solutions for $ t \in [0, T] $, respectively

    Figure 15.  The mean regression errors $ (\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_i}, \bar{\epsilon}_{Z_i}) $ at time step $ t_i, i = 0, \ldots, N-1 $ for Example 3 using $ d = 10 $ and $ N = 128 $. The standard deviation is given in the shaded area

    Figure 16.  The mean regression errors $ (\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_i}, \bar{\epsilon}_{Z_i}) $ at time step $ t_i, i = 0, \ldots, N-1 $ for Example 3 using $ d = 50 $ and $ N = 128 $. The standard deviation is given in the shaded area

    Figure 17.  The mean loss values $ \bar{\mathbf{L}} $ for Example 3 using $ d = 50 $ and $ N = 128 $. The standard deviation is given in the shaded area

    Figure 18.  The mean regression errors $ (\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_i}, \bar{\epsilon}_{Z_i}) $ at time step $ t_i, i = 0, \ldots, N-1 $ for Example 3 using $ d = 50 $ and $ N = 128 $. The standard deviation is given in the shaded area

    Figure 19.  The empirical speed of convergence for $ (Y_0, Z_0) $ in Example 3 using $ d = 100 $. The average runtime of the algorithms is given in seconds

    Figure 20.  The mean regression errors $ (\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_i}, \bar{\epsilon}_{Z_i}) $ at time step $ t_i, i = 0, \ldots, N-1 $ for Example 3 using $ d = 100 $ and $ N = 128 $. The standard deviation is given in the shaded area

    Figure 21.  The empirical speed of convergence for $ Y_0 $ in Example 4 using $ d = 100 $. The average runtime of the algorithms is given in seconds

    Figure 22.  The empirical speed of convergence for $ (Y_0, Z_0) $ in Example 5 using $ d = 100 $. The average runtime of the algorithms is given in seconds

    Figure 23.  Realizations of $ 5 $ independent paths for Example 5 using $ d = 100 $ and $ N = 128 $. $ (Y_t, Z_t^1) $ and $ (\mathcal{Y}_t^{\hat{\theta}},\mathcal{Z}_t^{1,\hat{\theta}}) $ are exact and learned solutions for $ t \in [0, T] $, respectively

    Figure 24.  The mean regression errors $ (\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_i}, \bar{\epsilon}_{Z_i}) $ at time step $ t_i, i = 0, \ldots, N-1 $ for Example 5 using $ d = 100 $ and $ N = 128 $. The standard deviation is given in the shaded area

    Table 1.  Hyperparameters for all the schemes

    Scheme Network parametrization Learning rate decay
    # networks L n $\varrho$ $\gamma_0$ $\gamma_{min}$
    DBSDE N-1 2 10+d $\max(0, \cdot)$ $10^{-2}$ $10^{-4}$
    LDBSDE 1 4 10+d $\sin(\cdot)$ $10^{-3}$ $10^{-5}$
    LaDBSDE 1 4 10+d $\tanh(\cdot)$ $10^{-3}$ $10^{-5}$
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    Table 2.  The mean absolute errors, convergence rates of $ (Y_0, Z_0) $ and the average runtime of the algorithms in seconds for Example 1 using $d = 1 $. The standard deviation of the absolute errors is given in parenthesis

    Scheme N = 4 N = 16 N = 64 N = 256
    $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\beta_y$
    $\bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\beta_z$
    $\bar{\tau}$ $\bar{\tau}$ $\bar{\tau}$ $\bar{\tau}$
    NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
    - - - -
    LDBSDE 2.73e+0 (8.06e-3) 9.98e-1 (1.27e-2) 5.39e-1 (1.78e-1) 4.42e-1 (1.72e-1) 0.44
    1.22e+0 (6.25e-3) 5.58e-1 (7.58e-3) 3.45e-1 (1.30e-1) 1.99e-1 (1.48e-1) 0.43
    1.02e+2 3.52e+2 1.39e+3 5.46e+3
    LDBSDE (RNN) 2.72e+0 (1.84e-2) 1.36e+0 (2.35e-1) 8.49e-1 (2.89e-1) 9.45e-1 (5.27e-1) 0.26
    1.23e+0 (1.50e-2) 7.46e-1 (1.32e-1) 5.49e-1 (1.91e-1) 6.60e-1 (4.06e-1) 0.16
    6.13e+1 2.02e+2 8.50e+2 3.33e+3
    LDBSDE (LSTM) 2.73e+0 (6.51e-3) 1.69e+0 (2.22e-2) 1.11e+0 (9.51e-2) 9.44e-1 (1.38e-1) 0.26
    1.24e+0 (5.88e-3) 9.31e-1 (2.20e-2) 6.43e-1 (8.91e-2) 5.98e-1 (9.38e-2) 0.18
    1.29e+2 4.26e+2 1.76e+3 7.12e+3
    LaDBSDE 2.37e+0 (6.22e-3) 2.90e-1 (2.19e-1) 1.67e-1 (5.33e-2) 7.52e-2 (2.77e-2) 0.79
    8.42e-1 (6.84e-3) 5.44e-2 (8.36e-2) 6.30e-2 (3.32e-2) 5.07e-2 (2.58e-2) 0.60
    8.52e+1 3.60e+2 1.39e+3 5.57e+3
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    Table 3.  The mean absolute errors, convergence rates of $ (Y_0, Z_0) $ and the average runtime of the algorithms in seconds for Example 1 using $ d = 100 $. The standard deviation of the absolute errors is given in parenthesis

    Scheme N = 2 N = 8 N = 32 N = 128
    $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\beta_y$
    $\bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\beta_z$
    $\bar{\tau}$ $\bar{\tau}$ $\bar{\tau}$ $\bar{\tau}$
    NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
    - - - -
    LDBSDE 1.66e-1 (1.64e-2) 8.93e-2 (1.15e-2) 7.74e-2 (7.59e-3) 9.29e-2 (1.29e-2) 0.14
    5.04e-2 (1.39e-3) 2.54e-2 (6.77e-4) 8.13e-3 (6.89e-4) 6.82e-3 (1.87e-3) 0.52
    1.02e+3 3.31e+3 1.24e+4 4.82e+4
    LaDBSDE 9.28e-2 (1.79e-2) 1.22e-2 (9.15e-3) 8.96e-3 (6.89e-3) 7.91e-3 (5.59e-3) 0.56
    3.46e-2 (1.51e-3) 9.95e-3 (2.02e-3) 4.05e-3 (1.31e-3) 3.64e-3 (1.52e-3) 0.55
    8.61e+2 3.09e+3 1.24e+4 4.74e+4
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    Table 4.  The mean absolute errors, convergence rates of $ (Y_0, Z_0) $ and the average runtime of the algorithms in seconds for Example 2 using $ d = 100 $. The standard deviation of the absolute errors is given in parenthesis

    Scheme N = 2 N = 8 N = 32 N = 128
    $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\beta_y$
    $\bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\beta_z$
    $\bar{\tau}$ $\bar{\tau}$ $\bar{\tau}$ $\bar{\tau}$
    DBSDE 1.75e-3 (3.37e-4) 9.63e-4 (4.54e-4) 7.68e-4 (2.60e-4) 1.04e-3 (2.42e-4) 0.13
    3.30e-4 (1.42e-5) 4.56e-4 (3.24e-5) 6.51e-4 (5.72e-5) 9.37e-4 (5.55e-5) -0.25
    2.73e+2 1.21e+3 5.09e+3 2.25e+4
    LDBSDE 1.98e-3 (8.47e-4) 9.23e-4 (5.99e-4) 1.09e-3 (6.75e-4) 3.85e-3 (5.98e-3) -0.16
    8.29e-5 (2.87e-5) 1.37e-4 (5.41e-5) 2.29e-4 (3.28e-5) 6.67e-4 (2.21e-4) -0.49
    7.15e+2 2.25e+3 8.70e+3 3.30e+4
    LaDBSDE 1.33e-3 (1.03e-3) 7.97e-4 (5.75e-4) 8.11e-4 (1.25e-3) 6.40e-4 (3.50e-4) 0.16
    7.52e-5 (6.21e-6) 1.48e-4 (3.35e-5) 1.65e-4 (4.15e-5) 1.63e-4 (3.92e-5) -0.18
    5.75e+2 2.08e+3 8.47e+3 3.32e+4
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    Table 5.  The mean absolute errors of $ (Y_0, Z_0) $ and the average runtime of the algorithms in seconds for Example 3 using $ d = 2 $ and $ N = 128 $. The standard deviation of the absolute errors is given in parenthesis

    Scheme $ \bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0} $ (Std. Dev.) $ \bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0} $ (Std. Dev.) $ \bar{\tau} $
    DBSDE 7.86e-4 (3.38e-4) 3.35e-3 (2.98e-3) 4.63e+3
    LDBSDE 1.26e-3 (9.19e-4) 1.44e-2 (9.77e-3) 3.94e+3
    LaDBSDE 2.49e-3 (1.88e-3) 4.44e-3 (2.31e-3) 3.94e+3
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    Table 6.  The mean absolute errors of $ (Y_0, Z_0) $ and the average runtime of the algorithms in seconds for Example 3 using $ d = 10 $ and $ N = 128 $. The standard deviation of the absolute errors is given in parenthesis

    Scheme $ \bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0} $ (Std. Dev.) $ \bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0} $ (Std. Dev.) $ \bar{\tau} $
    DBSDE 1.12e-2 (1.96e-3) 1.70e-2 (1.32e-3) 5.79e+3
    LDBSDE 1.68e-2 (1.17e-2) 5.32e-2 (1.87e-2) 5.51e+3
    LaDBSDE 5.45e-3 (4.93e-3) 7.85e-3 (3.42e-3) 5.23e+3
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    Table 7.  The mean absolute errors of $ (Y_0, Z_0) $ and the average runtime of the algorithms in seconds for Example 3 using $ d = 50 $ and $ N = 128 $. The standard deviation of the absolute errors is given in parenthesis

    Scheme $ \bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0} $ (Std. Dev.) $ \bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0} $ (Std. Dev.) $ \bar{\tau} $
    DBSDE 2.14e+0 (2.83e-1) 1.10e-1 (6.95e-3) 1.76e+4
    LDBSDE 1.58e-1 (6.24e-2) 6.81e-2 (9.80e-3) 2.39e+4
    LaDBSDE 1.33e-1 (4.66e-2) 3.40e-2 (3.73e-3) 2.28e+4
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    Table 8.  The mean absolute errors of $ (Y_0, Z_0) $ and the average runtime of the algorithms in seconds for Example 3 using $ d = 50 $ and $ N = 128 $. The standard deviation of the absolute errors is given in parenthesis

    Scheme $ \bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0} $ (Std. Dev.) $ \bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0} $ (Std. Dev.) $ \bar{\tau} $
    DBSDE 5.17e-1 (4.10e-2) 7.73e-2 (2.55e-3) 1.72e+4
    LDBSDE 2.04e-1 (2.31e-2) 7.18e-2 (7.07e-3) 2.33e+4
    LaDBSDE 3.07e-2 (1.62e-2) 8.26e-3 (8.87e-4) 2.23e+4
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    Table 9.  The mean absolute errors, convergence rates of $ (Y_0, Z_0) $ and the average runtime of the algorithms in seconds for Example 3 using $ d = 100 $. The standard deviation of the absolute errors is given in parenthesis

    Scheme N = 2 N = 8 N = 32 N = 128
    $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\beta_y$
    $\bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\beta_z$
    $\bar{\tau}$ $\bar{\tau}$ $\bar{\tau}$ $\bar{\tau}$
    DBSDE 1.16e+0 (5.14e-3) 4.29e-1 (2.20e-2) 2.73e+0 (1.32e-1) 4.76e+0 (4.10e-2) -0.44
    6.89e-2 (6.22e-4) 3.98e-2 (2.39e-3) 1.83e-1 (3.46e-3) 1.89e-1 (5.72e-3) -0.33
    4.10e+2 1.86e+3 7.97e+3 3.37e+4
    LDBSDE 1.09e+0 (3.25e-2) 2.12e-1 (3.24e-2) 1.90e-1 (5.40e-2) 2.64e-1 (6.19e-2) 0.32
    7.55e-2 (1.41e-3) 3.13e-2 (2.12e-3) 4.56e-2 (6.93e-3) 6.86e-2 (4.13e-3) -0.01
    1.04e+3 3.27e+3 1.28e+4 4.85e+4
    LaDBSDE 1.07e+0 (5.37e-2) 1.88e-1 (6.04e-2) 5.46e-2 (3.63e-2) 7.52e-2 (5.89e-2) 0.66
    7.17e-2 (2.89e-3) 2.15e-2 (2.63e-3) 1.19e-2 (2.35e-3) 1.22e-2 (2.79e-3) 0.43
    8.19e+2 3.17e+3 1.27e+4 4.86e+4
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    Table 10.  The mean absolute errors, convergence rates of $ Y_0 $ and the average runtime of the algorithms in seconds for Example 4 using $ d = 100 $. The standard deviation of the absolute errors is given in parenthesis

    Scheme N = 2 N = 8 N = 32 N = 128
    $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\beta_y$
    $\bar{\tau}$ $\bar{\tau}$ $\bar{\tau}$ $\bar{\tau}$
    DBSDE 1.44e+0 (4.36e-3) 3.04e-1 (4.31e-2) 9.67e-2 (3.01e-2) 3.72e-2 (1.38e-2) 0.88
    2.09e+2 9.31e+2 4.07e+3 1.66e+4
    LDBSDE 8.64e-1 (2.16e-2) 2.68e-1 (1.59e-2) 4.11e-1 (1.56e-2) 4.24e-1 (1.85e-2) 0.12
    2.86e+3 4.03e+3 8.97e+3 2.91e+4
    LaDBSDE 1.16e+0 (2.16e-2) 2.38e-2 (1.43e-2) 1.81e-1 (2.31e-2) 2.00e-1 (1.90e-2) 0.23
    2.76e+3 3.81e+3 8.33e+3 2.54e+4
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    Table 11.  The mean absolute errors, convergence rates of $ (Y_0, Z_0) $ and the average runtime of the algorithms in seconds for Example 5 using $ d = 100 $. The standard deviation of the absolute errors is given in parenthesis

    Scheme N = 2 N = 8 N = 32 N = 128
    $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Y_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\beta_y$
    $\bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\bar{\epsilon}_{Z_0}$ (Std. Dev.) $\beta_z$
    $\bar{\tau}$ $\bar{\tau}$ $\bar{\tau}$ $\bar{\tau}$
    DBSDE 1.06e-1 (3.67e-4) 1.93e-2 (3.47e-4) 2.23e-3 (1.37e-4) 1.30e-3 (2.73e-4) 1.11
    8.29e-4 (6.59e-6) 4.35e-4 (2.33e-5) 2.91e-4 (1.24e-5) 3.69e-4 (1.60e-5) 0.20
    5.22e+2 2.33e+3 9.87e+3 4.24e+4
    LDBSDE 9.97e-2 (5.13e-4) 1.59e-2 (1.21e-3) 2.65e-3 (1.42e-3) 1.25e-3 (8.03e-4) 1.08
    9.49e-4 (4.30e-6) 7.06e-4 (2.72e-5) 4.09e-4 (4.77e-5) 2.85e-4 (1.06e-4) 0.30
    1.17e+3 3.84e+3 1.50e+4 5.64e+4
    LaDBSDE 1.05e-1 (4.64e-4) 2.13e-2 (7.80e-4) 4.56e-3 (1.28e-3) 1.12e-3 (9.03e-4) 1.09
    8.68e-4 (4.42e-6) 5.01e-4 (1.53e-5) 1.74e-4 (2.53e-5) 1.58e-4 (2.84e-5) 0.45
    9.94e+2 3.61e+3 1.43e+4 5.63e+4
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