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This paper introduces a novel computer-assisted method for detecting and constructively proving the existence of cusp bifurcations in differential equations. The approach begins with a two-parameter continuation along which a tool based on the theory of Poincaré index is employed to identify the presence of a cusp bifurcation. Using the approximate cusp location, Newton's method is then applied to a given augmented system (the cusp map), yielding a more precise numerical approximation of the cusp. Through a successful application of a Newton-Kantorovich type theorem, we establish the existence of a non-degenerate zero of the cusp map in the vicinity of the numerical approximation. Employing a Gershgorin circles argument, we then prove that exactly one eigenvalue of the Jacobian matrix at the cusp candidate has zero real part, thus rigorously confirming the presence of a cusp bifurcation. Finally, by incorporating explicit control over the cusp's location, a rigorous enclosure for the normal form coefficient is obtained, providing the explicit dynamics on the center manifold at the cusp. We show the effectiveness of this method by applying it to four distinct models.
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Figure 2. On the left the projection of the triangulation for the manifold of equilibria of (31) on the $ (\lambda_1,\lambda_2,x_1) $-space; on the right a close up of the projection on the $ (\lambda_1,\lambda_2) $-plane near the second cusp point (black circular mark). The darkest shade of grey identifies the region where three equilibria exist for the same value of the parameter
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Visual sketch of the continuation procedure: in blue the first hexagonal patch, in yellow an incomplete patch centered at the "current point"
On the left the projection of the triangulation for the manifold of equilibria of (31) on the
On the left the projection of the triangulation of the manifold of equilibria of (33) on the
On the left the projection of the triangulation of the manifold of equilibria of (35) on the
On the left the projection of the triangulation of the manifold of equilibria of (36) on the