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Dynamic systems based on preference graph and distance

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • A group decision-making approach fusing preference conflicts and compatibility measure is proposed , focused on dynamic group decision making with preference information of policymakers at each time describing with dynamic preference Hasse diagram with the identification framework of relation between alternative pairs is H=$\{\succ,\parallel,\succeq,\preceq,\approx,\prec,\phi\}$, and the preference graph may contain incomplete decision making alternatives. First, the relationship between preference sequences is be defined on the basis of concepts about preference, preference sequence and preference graph; and defining the decision function that can reflect dynamic preference, such as conflict ,comply support and preference distance measure. Finally, through the perspective of conflict and compatible aggregating the comprehensive preference of each decision makers in each period, and by establishing the optimization model based on lattice preference distance measure to assemble group preference, gives the specific steps of the decision making. The feasibility and effectiveness of the approach proposed in this paper are illustrated with a numerical example.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 90C31; Secondary: 91A35, 91B06.


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