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Elliptic boundary value problems in spaces of continuous functions

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In these notes we consider second order linear elliptic boundary value problems in the framework of different spaces on continuous functions. We appeal to a general formulation which contains some interesting particular cases as, for instance, a new class of functional spaces, called here Hölog spaces and denoted by the symbol $\, C^{0,\,\lambda}_\alpha(\overline{\Omega}) \,,$ $\,0 \leq\,\lambda<\,1\,,$ and $\,\alpha \in\,\mathbb{R}\,.$ One has the following inclusions $$ C^{0,\,\lambda+\,\epsilon}(\overline{\Omega})\subset \,C^{0,\,\lambda}_\alpha(\overline{\Omega})\subset \,C^{0,\,\lambda}(\overline{\Omega}) \subset \,C^{0,\,\lambda,}_{-\alpha}(\overline{\Omega}) \subset\,C^{0,\,\lambda-\,\epsilon}(\overline{\Omega})\,, $$ for $\,\alpha>\,0\,$ ($\epsilon >\,0\,$ arbitrarily small). Roughly speaking, for each fixed $\,\lambda\,,$ the family $\, C^{0,\,\lambda}_\alpha(\overline{\Omega}) \,$ is a refinement of the single Hölder classical space $\, C^{0,\,\lambda}(\overline{\Omega})=\,C^{0,\,\lambda}_0(\overline{\Omega})\,.$ On the other hand, for $\,\lambda=\,0\,$ and $\,\alpha>\,0\,,$ $\,C^{0,\,0}_\alpha(\overline{\Omega})=\,\, D^{0,\,\alpha}(\overline{\Omega})\,$ is a Log space. The more interesting feature is that, as for classical Hölder (and Sobolev) spaces, full regularity occurs. namely, for each $\,\lambda>\,0\,$ and arbitrary real $\,\alpha\,,$ $\,\nabla^2\,u $ and $\,f\,$ enjoy the same $\, C^{0,\,\lambda}_\alpha(\overline{\Omega}) \,$ regularity. All the above setup is presented as part of a more general picture.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 31B10; Secondary: 31B35, 33E30, 35A09, 35B65, 35J25, 58F15, 58F17.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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