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On estimation of internal state by an optimal control approach for elastoplastic material

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • After a general formulation of the evolution of an elastoplastic body using duality based on the constitutive behaviour, some classes of inverse problems (estimation of the internal state, determination of an unknown history, ...) for such materials are investigated. A general formulation based on optimal control is proposed, the control variables are related to the internal state. In each class of inverse problem, the solution is obtained by introducing a adjoin state and a suitable cost function.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 74CXX, 49-XX, 49-N45.


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    C. Stolz, Some applications of optimal control to inverse problems in elastoplasticity, J. of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 20 (2015), 411-432.doi: 10.2140/jomms.2015.10.411.

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