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Degenerate flux for dynamic boundary conditions in parabolic and hyperbolic equations

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In the dynamic or Wentzell boundary condition for elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations, the positive flux coefficient $% \beta $ determines the weighted surface measure $dS/\beta $ on the boundary of the given spatial domain, in the appropriate Hilbert space that makes the generator for the problem selfadjoint. Usually, $\beta $ is continuous and bounded away from both zero and infinity, and thus $L^{2}\left( \partial \Omega ,dS\right) $ and $L^{2}\left( \partial \Omega ,dS/\beta \right) $ are equal as sets. In this paper this restriction is eliminated, so that both zero and infinity are allowed to be limiting values for $\beta $. An application includes the parabolic asymptotics for the Wentzell telegraph equation and strongly damped Wentzell wave equation with general $\beta $.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 34G10; Secondary: 35L10, 35L35, 35Q35.


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