Citation: |
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V. E. Fedorov, Degenerate strongly continuous semigroups of operators, St. Petersburgh. Math. J., 12 (2001), 471-489. |
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V. E. Fedorov, A generalization of the Hille-Yosida theorem to the case of degenerate semigroups in locally convex spaces, Siberian Math. J., 46 (2005), 333-350.doi: 10.1007/s11202-005-0035-9. |
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A. P. Oskolkov, Nachal'no-kraevye zadachi dlya uravneniy dvizheniya zhidkostei Kel'vina-Foigta i zhidkostei Oldroita, (Russian) [Initial-boundary value problems for equations of Kelvin-Voight and Oldroyd fluids motion], Trudy Mat. instituta AN SSSR, 179 (1988), 126-164. |
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M. V. Plekhanova and V. E. Fedorov, Optimal'noe Upravlenie Vyrozhdennymi Raspredelennymi Sistemami, (Russian) [Optimal Control for Degenerate Distributed Systems], Publishing Center of South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, 2013. |
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A. V. Urazaeva and V. E. Fedorov, An inverse problem for linear Sobolev type equations, J. Inverse Ill-Posed Probl., 12 (2004), 387-395.doi: 10.1515/1569394042248210. |
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A. V. Urazaeva and V. E. Fedorov, Prediction-control problem for some systems of equations of fluid dynamics, Differ. Equ., 44 (2008), 1147-1156.doi: 10.1134/S0012266108080120. |
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A. V. Urazaeva and V. E. Fedorov, On the well-posedness of the prediction-control problem for some systems of equations, Math. Notes, 85 (2009), 426-436.doi: 10.1134/S0001434609030134. |
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A. V. Urazaeva and V. E. Fedorov, Lineinaya evolutsionnaya obratnaya zadacha dlya uravnenii sobolevskogo tipa, (Russian) [Linear evolutionary inverse problem for Sobolev type equations], in Neklassicheskie uravnenia matematicheskoi fiziki (ed. A.I. Kozhanov), Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of the SB RAS, (2010), 293-310. |