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Models of fluid flowing in non-conventional media: New numerical analysis

  • * Corresponding author: Sonal Jain

    * Corresponding author: Sonal Jain
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(5) Related Papers Cited by
  • The concept of differentiation with power law reset has not been investigated much in the literature, as some researchers believe the concept was wrongly introduced, it is unable to describe fractal sharps. It is important to note that, this concept of differentiation is not to describe or display fractal sharps but to describe a flow within a medium with self-similar properties. For instance, the description of flow within a non-conventional media which does not obey the classical Fick's laws of diffusion, Darcy's law and Fourier's law cannot be handle accurately with conventional mechanical law of rate of change. In this paper, we pointed out the use of the non-conventional differential operator with fractal dimension and it possible applicability in several field of sciences, technology and engineering dealing with non-conventional flow. Due to the wider applicability of this concept and the complexities of solving analytically those partial differential equations generated from this operator, we introduced in this paper a new numerical scheme that will be able to handle this class of differential equations. We presented in general the conditions of stability and convergence of the numerical scheme. We applied to some well-known diffusion and subsurface flow models and the stability analysis and numerical simulations for each cases are presented.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 81Q35, 43A50; Secondary: 65L20.


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