In this article, the asymptotic behavior of the solution to the following one dimensional Schrödinger equations with white noise dispersion
$ idu + u_{xx}\circ dW+ |u|^{p-1}udt = 0 $
is studied. Here the equation is written in the { Stratonovich} formulation, and $ W(t) $ is a standard real valued Brownian motion. After establishing the global well-posedness, theoretical proof and numerical investigations are provided showing that, for a deterministic small enough initial data in $ L^1_x\cap H^1_x $, the expectation of the $ L^\infty_x $ norm of the solutions decay to zero at $ O(t^{-\frac14}) $ as $ t $ goes to $ +\infty $, as soon as $ p>7 $.
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Graphical representation of the function
Space and time evolution of the approximate solution of the nonlinear equation with
Space and time evolution of the approximate solution of the nonlinear equation with