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An age group model for the study of a population of trees


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  • In this paper, we derive a simple model for the description of an ecological system including several subgroups with distinct ages, in order to analyze the influence of various phenomena on temporal evolution of the considered species. Our aim is to address the question of resilience of the global system, defined as its ability to stabilize itself to equilibrium, when being perturbed by exterior fluctuations. It is shown that a under a critical condition involving growth rate and mortality rate of each subgroup, extinction of all species may occur.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 34D20; Secondary: 65L05, 92D25.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Time evolution of $R$ in three different cases: (a) $g = 1$; (b) $g = 0.2$ between $t = 3$ and $t = 10$ and $g = 1$ elsewhere, (c) $g = 1$ if $t\le 3$ and $g = 0.2$ elsewhere

    Figure 2.  Time evolution of $R$ in two different cases: (a) $m = 1$; (b) $m = 1.2$ between $t = 20$ and $t = 40$ and $m = 1$ elsewhere. The asymptotic state $R_{*, 2}$ is not perturbed by mortality fluctuation

    Figure 3.  Time evolution of $R$ in two different cases: (a) $m = 1.2$ for $t\ge 20$; (b) $m = 2$ for $t\ge 20$. In the first case, the asymptotic state $R_{*, 2}$ is perturbed, in the second case, extinction occurs at large times

    Figure 4.  Time evolution of $(Y, I, O)$ for the two stable cases $g_Y = 3$, $g_I = 1$, $g_O = 0.5$, $m_Y = 1$, $m_I = 0.8$, $m_O = 0.2$ (left) and $g_Y = 1$, $g_I = 1$, $g_O = 0.6$, $m_Y = 1.5$, $m_I = 1$, $m_O = 0.2$ (right) ($Y$: black, $I$: blue, $O$: red)

    Figure 5.  Time evolution of $(Y, I, O)$ when perturbing mortality of intermediate trees : $m_{I, 2} = 1.4$ (left) and $m_{I, 2} = 2$ (right). In the first case, the system drives itself into another stable nontrivial equilibrium; in the second case, the total population extincts ($Y$: black, $I$: blue, $O$: red)

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