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On a linearized Mullins-Sekerka/Stokes system for two-phase flows

  • * Corresponding author: Helmut Abels

    * Corresponding author: Helmut Abels 
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Related Papers Cited by
  • We study a linearized Mullins-Sekerka/Stokes system in a bounded domain with various boundary conditions. This system plays an important role to prove the convergence of a Stokes/Cahn-Hilliard system to its sharp interface limit, which is a Stokes/Mullins-Sekerka system, and to prove solvability of the latter system locally in time. We prove solvability of the linearized system in suitable $ L^2 $-Sobolev spaces with the aid of a maximal regularity result for non-autonomous abstract linear evolution equations.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 76T99; Secondary: 35Q30, 35Q35, 35R35, 76D05, 76D45.


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