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Boundary observability and exact controllability of strongly coupled wave equations

  • * Corresponding author: Ali Wehbe

    * Corresponding author: Ali Wehbe 
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper, we study the exact controllability of a system of two wave equations coupled by velocities with boundary control acted on only one equation. In the first part of this paper, we consider the $ N $-d case. Then, using a multiplier technique, we prove that, by observing only one component of the associated homogeneous system, one can get back a full energy of both components in the case where the waves propagate with equal speeds (i.e. $ a = 1 $ in (1)) and where the coupling parameter $ b $ is small enough. This leads, by the Hilbert Uniqueness Method, to the exact controllability of our system in any dimension space. It seems that the conditions $ a = 1 $ and $ b $ small enough are technical for the multiplier method. The natural question is then : what happens if one of the two conditions is not satisfied? This consists the aim of the second part of this paper. Indeed, we consider the exact controllability of a system of two one-dimensional wave equations coupled by velocities with a boundary control acted on only one equation. Using a spectral approach, we establish different types of observability inequalities which depend on the algebraic nature of the coupling parameter $ b $ and on the arithmetic property of the wave propagation speeds $ a $.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 93B05, 35P15; Secondary: 93B07.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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