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Inhomogeneous finitely-strained thermoplasticity with hardening by an Eulerian approach

Dedicated to Pierluigi Colli on the occasion of his sixtyfifth birthday.

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  • A standard elasto-plasto-dynamic model at finite strains based on the Lie-Liu-Kröner multiplicative decomposition, formulated in rates, is here enhanced to cope with spatially inhomogeneous materials by using the reference (called also return) mapping. Also an isotropic hardening can be involved. Consistent thermodynamics is formulated, allowing for both the free and the dissipation energies temperature dependent. The model complies with the energy balance and entropy inequality. A multipolar Stokes-like viscosity and plastic rate gradient are used to allow for a rigorous analysis towards existence of weak solutions by a semi-Galerkin approximation.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: 35Q74, 35Q79, 74A15, 74A30, 74C20, 74J30, 80A20.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  A schematic 0-dimensional diagramme of the mixed rheology acting differently on spherical (volumetric) and the deviatoric parts. The Jeffreys rheology in the deviatoric part combines Stokes' and Maxwell rheologies in parallel and may degenerate to mere Stokes-type fluid if $ {M} $ vanishes within melting. Note that the dampers $ K_{\rm V} $ and $ G_{\rm V} $ correspond to a simplified (2.45a) with $ \nu_1 = 0 $ and $ p = 2 $, i.e. with $ \boldsymbol D = \nu_0 \boldsymbol e(\boldsymbol v) $, for a special choice $ K_{\rm V} = 2\nu_0/d $ and $ G_{\rm V} = \nu_0 $

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