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Fluid-structure interaction with and without internal dissipation of the structure: A contrast study in stability

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We consider a coupled parabolic--hyperbolic PDE system arising in fluid--structure interaction, where the coupling is exercised at the interface between the two media. This paper is a study in contrast on stability properties of the overall coupled system under two scenarios: the case with interior dissipation of the structure, and the case without. In the first case, uniform stabilization is achieved (by a $\lambda$-domain analysis) without geometrical conditions on the structure, but only on an explicitly identified space $Ĥ$ of codimension one with respect to the original energy state space $H$ where semigroup well-posedness holds. In the second case, only rational (a fortiori strong) stability is possible, again only on the space $Ĥ$, however, under geometrical conditions of the structure, which e.g., exclude a sphere. Many classes of good geometries are identified. Recent papers [6,9] show uniform stabilization on all of $H$, and without geometrical conditions; however, with dissipation at the boundary interface.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35M13, 93D20.


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