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Stability analysis in some strongly prestressed rectangular plates

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  • We consider an evolution plate equation aiming to model the motion of the deck of a periodically forced strongly prestressed suspension bridge. Using the prestress assumption, we show the appearance of multiple time-periodic uni-modal longitudinal solutions and we discuss their stability. Then, we investigate how these solutions exchange energy with a torsional mode. Although the problem is forced, we find a portrait where stability and instability regions alternate. The techniques used rely on ODE analysis of stability and are complemented with numerical simulations.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: 34C25, 35B35.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  The Deer Isle Bridge: with permission of Thaddeus Roan

    Figure 2.  The choice of the lower and upper solutions in the proof of the bounds and of the stability properties of $ \wp^1 $ (left) and $ \wp^2, \wp^3 $ (right)

    Figure 3.  The components $ U(t) $ (left) and $ V(t) $ (right) in (42), with (46) and $ U_0 = 0.2 $, $ V_0 = 0.01 $

    Figure 4.  The components $ U(t) $ (left) and $ V(t) $ (right) in (42), with (46) and $ U_0 = 0.2 $, $ V_0 = 2 $

    Figure 5.  The components $ U(t) $ (left) and $ V(t) $ (right) in (42), with (46) and $ U_0 = 0.2 $, $ V_0 = 10 $

    Figure 6.  The $ V $-component of the solution of (44) for values of the parameters given by (48)

    Figure 7.  The $ V $-component of the solution of (44) for values of the parameters given by (49)

    Figure 8.  The $ V $-component of the solution of (44) for values of the parameters given by (50)

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