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Existence and asymptotic stability of periodic solutions for neutral evolution equations with delay

  • * Corresponding author. Qiang Li and Mei Wei

    * Corresponding author. Qiang Li and Mei Wei 

Research supported by NNSF of China (11261053) and NSF of Gansu Province (1208RJZA129)

Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper, we are devoted to consider the periodic problem for the neutral evolution equation with delay in Banach space. By using operator semigroups theory and fixed point theorem, we establish some new existence theorems of periodic mild solutions for the equation. In addition, with the aid of a new integral inequality with delay, we present essential conditions on the nonlinear function to guarantee that the equation has an asymptotically stable periodic mild solution.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: 34K30, 47H07, 47H08.


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