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Simultaneous recovery of surface heat flux and thickness of a solid structure by ultrasonic measurements

  • * Corresponding author: Hongyu Liu

    * Corresponding author: Hongyu Liu 
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  • This paper is concerned with a practical inverse problem of simultaneously reconstructing the surface heat flux and the thickness of a solid structure from the associated ultrasonic measurements. In a thermoacoustic coupling model, the thermal boundary condition and the thickness of a solid structure are both unknown, while the measurements of the propagation time by ultrasonic sensors are given. We reformulate the inverse problem as a PDE-constrained optimization problem by constructing a proper objective functional. We then develop an alternating iteration scheme which combines the conjugate gradient method and the deepest decent method to solve the optimization problem. Rigorous convergence analysis is provided for the proposed numerical scheme. By using experimental real data from the lab, we conduct extensive numerical experiments to verify several promising features of the newly developed method.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35K05, 49N45, 65N21.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  A one-dimensional model based on ultrasonic detection

    Figure 2.  The definition of figure

    Figure 3.  Heat flux inversion results with the acoustic time accuracy fixed to be $ 10^{-10} $. (a): under a fixed initial heat flux and different initial thicknesses, (b): under a fixed initial thickness and different initial heat fluxes

    Figure 4.  Heat flux inversion results with the acoustic time accuracy fixed to be $ 10^{-11} $. (a): under a fixed initial heat flux and different initial thicknesses, (b): under a fixed initial thickness and different initial heat fluxes

    Table 1.  Convergence of the iteration method with different initial guesses and measurement errors

    Acoustic time initial heat flux initial thickness reconstructed iterations
    accuracy $ (s) $ $ q^0(\rm{{J}/{s}}) $ $ L^0(\rm{mm}) $ thickness $ L(\rm{mm}) $ $ \rm{n} $
    $ 10^{-9} $ 0 3 50.0006 138
    $ 10^{-10} $ $ 0 $ 3 50.0006 64
    $ 10^{-11} $ $ 0 $ 3 50.0006 63
    $ 10^{-9} $ $ 1\times10^3 $ 45 50.0032 208
    $ 10^{-10} $ $ 1\times10^3 $ 45 50.0028 115
    $ 10^{-11} $ $ 1\times10^3 $ 45 50.0025 108
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    Table 2.  Convergence of the proposed iteration method with different initial guesses and measurement errors

    acoustic time initial heat flux initial thickness reconstructed thickness iterations
    accuracy $ q^0(\rm{{J}/{s}}) $ $ L^0(\rm{mm}) $ $ L(\rm{mm}) $ $ n $
    $ 10^{-10} $ 0 3 50.0006 64
    $ 10^{-10} $ $ 1\times10^3 $ 3 50.0016 58
    $ 10^{-10} $ $ 1\times10^5 $ 3 50.0000 133
    $ 10^{-10} $ 0 45 50.0025 126
    $ 10^{-10} $ $ 1\times10^3 $ 45 50.0028 115
    $ 10^{-10} $ 0 80 50.0028 77
    $ 10^{-10} $ $ 1\times10^3 $ 80 50.0046 92
    $ 10^{-11} $ 0 3 50.0006 63
    $ 10^{-11} $ $ 1\times10^3 $ 3 50.0016 57
    $ 10^{-11} $ $ 1\times10^5 $ 3 50.0006 147
    $ 10^{-11} $ 0 45 50.0025 126
    $ 10^{-11} $ $ 1\times10^3 $ 45 50.0025 108
    $ 10^{-11} $ 0 80 50.0028 77
    $ 10^{-11} $ $ 1\times10^3 $ 80 50.0029 80
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