Expiry | ||
15-Oct-2021 | 4,300.86 | 407 |
19-Nov-2021 | 4,295.84 | 367 |
17-Dec-2021 | 4,290.59 | 399 |
This paper studies total positivity and relative convexity properties in option pricing models. We introduce these properties in the Black-Scholes setting by showing the following: out-of-the-money calls are totally positive in strike and volatility; out-of-the-money puts have a reverse sign rule property; calls and puts are convex with respect to at-the-money prices; and relative convexity of option prices implies a convexity-in-time property of the underlying. We then extend these properties to other models, including scalar diffusions, mixture models, and certain Lévy processes. We show that relative convexity typically holds in time-homogeneous local volatility models through the Dupire equation. We develop implications of these ideas for empirical option prices, including constraints on the at-the-money skew. We illustrate connections with models studied by Peter Carr, including the variance-gamma, CGMY, Dagum, and logistic density models.
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Figure 4. Points in the plane $ (K_i, K_j) $ with $ \delta_{ij}< 0 $. They correspond to exceptions from TP$ _2 $ property for OTM call options (left) and from RR$ _2 $ property for OTM put options (right). Upper: $ T_1 = 10/15/21, T_2 = 11/19/21 $, middle: $ T_1 = 10/15/21, T_2 = 12/17/21 $ and lower: $ T_1 = 11/19/21, T_2 = 12/17/21 $. The vertical/horizontal red lines are at $ K = S_0 $. Pricing date 10/4/21
Table 1.
The first few expiries of the SPX index options, the forward price
Expiry | ||
15-Oct-2021 | 4,300.86 | 407 |
19-Nov-2021 | 4,295.84 | 367 |
17-Dec-2021 | 4,290.59 | 399 |
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Implications among total positivity and relative convexity properties for out-of-the-money calls. The properties in the figure are stated for
Implications among RR and relative convexity properties for out-of-the-money puts. The properties are stated for
The ratio
Points in the plane