Destination |
Dynamic interaction networks frequently arise in biology, communications technology and the social sciences, representing, for example, neuronal connectivity in the brain, internet connections between computers and human interactions within social networks. The evolution and strengthening of the links in such networks can be observed through sequences of connection events occurring between network nodes over time. In some of these applications, the identity and size of the network may be unknown a priori and may change over time. In this article, a model for the evolution of dynamic networks based on the Pitman-Yor process is proposed. This model explicitly admits power-laws in the number of connections on each edge, often present in real world networks, and, for careful choices of the parameters, power-laws for the degree distribution of the nodes. A novel empirical method for the estimation of the hyperparameters of the Pitman-Yor process is proposed, and some necessary corrections for uniform discrete base distributions are carefully addressed. The methodology is tested on synthetic data and in an anomaly detection study on the enterprise computer network of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and successfully detects connections from a red-team penetration test.
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Figure 1. Cartoon example of the Chinese Restaurant metaphor for the Pitman-Yor process, where $ C_j $ represents the $ j $th customer and $ x_j^\star $ is the unique dish served at table $ T_j $. The vector $ \boldsymbol x_n = (x_1, \dots, x_n) $ denotes the observed sequence of dishes eaten by each customer. Customer $ C_i $ being seated at table $ T_j $ is denoted $ C_i\to T_j $. Then, for example, the tenth customer will sit at $ T_1 $ with probability $ (3-d)/(\alpha+9) $
Figure 5. Plot of the corrected $ K_n $ (a), $ H_{1n} $ (b) and their ratio $ H_{1n}/K_n $ (c) as a function of $ n $ for the connections to the destination computer ${\mathtt C1438} $ , and averaged sample paths from $ 100 $ samples from a Pitman-Yor process, obtained using different estimates of the parameters. The grey lines correspond to 10 realised trajectories of simulated Pitman-Yor processes, obtained using the corrected estimate (5)
Table 1. Estimated Pitman-Yor parameters for 6 destination nodes
Destination |
Table 2. Anomaly rankings for the four red-team source computers
Events |
Events |
Standard |
Mid- |
Edge level combiner: | Node level combiner: | Node level combiner: | |||||
Tippett | Fisher | Pearson | Stouffer | Fisher | Pearson | Stouffer | |
Source | |||||||
computer | |||||||
Events |
Event level combiner: Tippett. | ||||||
Mid |
Mid- |
Edge level combiner: | Node level combiner: | Node level combiner: | |||||
Tippett | Fisher | Pearson | Stouffer | Fisher | Pearson | Stouffer | |
Source | |||||||
computer | |||||||
Event level combiner: Fisher. | Event level combiner: Fisher. | ||||||
Standard |
Mid- |
Edge level combiner: | Node level combiner: | Node level combiner: | |||||
Tippett | Fisher | Pearson | Stouffer | Fisher | Pearson | Stouffer | |
Source | |||||||
computer | |||||||
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Cartoon example of the Chinese Restaurant metaphor for the Pitman-Yor process, where
Kernel density estimates of the parameter estimates from 10000 simulations,
Kernel density estimates of the parameter estimates from 10000 simulations,
Uniform Q-Q plot for the Pitman-Yor process fitted to six destination nodes
Plot of the corrected