Variable | Value | Description |
50 | Kalman iterations | |
15 | time steps | |
1 | landmark size (cf. (2)) | |
1e-05 | absolute error tolerance |
We study the problem of diffeomorphometric geodesic landmark matching where the objective is to find a diffeomorphism that, via its group action, maps between two sets of landmarks. It is well-known that the motion of the landmarks, and thereby the diffeomorphism, can be encoded by an initial momentum leading to a formulation where the landmark matching problem can be solved as an optimisation problem over such momenta. The novelty of our work lies in the application of a derivative-free Bayesian inverse method for learning the optimal momentum encoding the diffeomorphic mapping between the template and the target. The method we apply is the ensemble Kalman filter, an extension of the Kalman filter to nonlinear operators. We describe an efficient implementation of the algorithm and show several numerical results for various target shapes.
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Figure 10. Evolution of the relative error $ \mathcal{R}^k $ corresponding to the misfits in Figure 7 where $ M = 10 $
Figure 11. Evolution of the relative error $ \mathcal{R}^k $ corresponding to the misfits in Figure 8 where $ M = 150 $
Figure 12. Evolution of the relative error $ \mathcal{R}^k $ corresponding to the misfits in Figure 9 where $ M = 50 $
Table 1. Global parameters used for Algorithm 1
Variable | Value | Description |
50 | Kalman iterations | |
15 | time steps | |
1 | landmark size (cf. (2)) | |
1e-05 | absolute error tolerance |
Table 2.
Relative error at the last iteration of algorithm 1 for different values of
Table 3.
Relative error at the last iteration of algorithm 1 for different values of
Table 4.
Relative error at the last iteration of algorithm 1 for different values of
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A matching between landmarks where the geodesics are shown
Template-target configurations for different values of
Log data misfits for
Progression of Algorithm 1 for various targets using
Progression of Algorithm 1 for various targets using $M = 50$ and $N_E = 50$. Computation times for 50 iterations (top to bottom): 2m8s, 2m9s, 1m29s
Progression of Algorithm 1 for various targets using
Convergence of
Convergence of
Convergence of
Evolution of the relative error
Evolution of the relative error
Evolution of the relative error