This paper presents a new mathematical signal transform that is especially suitable for decoding information related to non-rigid signal displacements. We provide a measure theoretic framework to extend the existing Cumulative Distribution Transform [
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Figure 1. The (modified) Cumulative Distribution Transform (CDT) enables data representation that facilitates learning. Hand signal images are preprocessed for edge map extraction and their respective X and Y projections are computed. The X, Y projections are then transformed using the CDT. Linear classification methods are then applied to the data in CDT space, as well as in original (projection) space for comparison. The middle row displays the 2D linear discriminant embedding [41] of test data in original signal space and transform space. Test (held out from training) data in transform space is clearly more convex and linearly separable than data in original signal space. This is confirmed by test accuracy results of 3 different linear classifiers (bottom row)
Figure 6. Classification of test signals (from the three classes depicted in Figure 5): Projection to LDA subspace learned from training data. Left panel: The linear classification method is unsuccessful classifying signal data in its original space. Right panel: Test data is much better separated in SCDT space
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The (modified) Cumulative Distribution Transform (CDT) enables data representation that facilitates learning. Hand signal images are preprocessed for edge map extraction and their respective X and Y projections are computed. The X, Y projections are then transformed using the CDT. Linear classification methods are then applied to the data in CDT space, as well as in original (projection) space for comparison. The middle row displays the 2D linear discriminant embedding [41] of test data in original signal space and transform space. Test (held out from training) data in transform space is clearly more convex and linearly separable than data in original signal space. This is confirmed by test accuracy results of 3 different linear classifiers (bottom row)
Translation property of the SCDT. Left panel: A signal and its translation. Right panel: A transforms of the signals and its translation (the reference measure
Scaling property of the SCDT. Left panel: A signal and its scaling. Right panel: A transforms of the signals and its scaling (the reference measure
The set of signals generated from the algebraic generative model stated in Proposition 2 becomes convex in the SCDT space
Three signal classes: A Gabor wave, an apodized sawtooth wave, and an apodized square wave are randomly translated and scaled to form three signal classes. Seven example training signals are shown per class
Classification of test signals (from the three classes depicted in Figure 5): Projection to LDA subspace learned from training data. Left panel: The linear classification method is unsuccessful classifying signal data in its original space. Right panel: Test data is much better separated in SCDT space