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Stein variational gradient descent: Many-particle and long-time asymptotics

  • *Corresponding author: Nikolas Nüsken

    *Corresponding author: Nikolas Nüsken 
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  • Stein variational gradient descent (SVGD) refers to a class of methods for Bayesian inference based on interacting particle systems. In this paper, we consider the originally proposed deterministic dynamics as well as a stochastic variant, each of which represent one of the two main paradigms in Bayesian computational statistics: variational inference and Markov chain Monte Carlo. As it turns out, these are tightly linked through a correspondence between gradient flow structures and large-deviation principles rooted in statistical physics. To expose this relationship, we develop the cotangent space construction for the Stein geometry, prove its basic properties, and determine the large-deviation functional governing the many-particle limit for the empirical measure. Moreover, we identify the Stein-Fisher information (or kernelised Stein discrepancy) as its leading order contribution in the long-time and many-particle regime in the sense of $ \Gamma $-convergence, shedding some light on the finite-particle properties of SVGD. Finally, we establish a comparison principle between the Stein-Fisher information and RKHS-norms that might be of independent interest.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 58F15, 58F17; Secondary: 53C35.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Approximations of a two-dimensional standard normal distribution using deterministic SVGD based on the ODE (4) and two different positive definite kernels $ k_{p, \sigma} $

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