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Hierarchical ensemble Kalman methods with sparsity-promoting generalized gamma hyperpriors

  • *Corresponding author: Hwanwoo Kim

    *Corresponding author: Hwanwoo Kim 
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  • This paper introduces a computational framework to incorporate flexible regularization techniques in ensemble Kalman methods, generalizing the iterative alternating scheme to nonlinear inverse problems. The proposed methodology approximates the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of a hierarchical Bayesian model characterized by a conditionally Gaussian prior and generalized gamma hyperpriors. Suitable choices of hyperparameters yield sparsity-promoting regularization. We propose an iterative algorithm for MAP estimation, which alternates between updating the unknown with an ensemble Kalman method and updating the hyperparameters in the regularization to promote sparsity. The effectiveness of our methodology is demonstrated in several computed examples, including compressed sensing and subsurface flow inverse problems.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 68Q25, 35Q62, 62F15.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Leftmost: Newton iteration. Middle-left: continuum Newton trajectory. Middle-right: ensemble Kalman iteration. Rightmost: continuum ensemble trajectory

    Figure 2.  Parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification in linear example with $ \ell_{0.5} $-regularizations on IEKF and IEKF-SL. Top row: parameter estimation. Bottom row: uncertainty quantification via approximate credible intervals

    Figure 3.  Left: $ \ell_2 $-convergence comparison. Right: regularization effect of $ r $

    Figure 4.  Example in Subsection 4.2. Red: target function to recover. Blue: $ \ell_p $-IEKF recovery. Top row: $ \ell_{1} $-IEKF. Bottom row: $ \ell_{0.5} $-IEKF. Left column: vanilla IEKF. Middle column: $ \ell_p $-IEKF after one outer iteration. Right column: $ \ell_p $-IEKF after three outer iterations. Shaded: 2.5/97.5 percentile of the recovery

    Figure 5.  Example in Subsection 4.2. Red: target function to recover. Blue: $ \ell_p $-IEKF-SL recovery. Top row: $ \ell_{1} $-IEKF-SL. Bottom row: $ \ell_{0.5} $-IEKF-SL. Left column: vanilla IEKF-SL. Middle column: $ \ell_p $-IEKF-SL after one outer iteration. Right column: $ \ell_p $-IEKF-SL after three outer iterations. Shaded: 2.5/97.5 percentile of the recovery

    Figure 6.  Parameter recovery for 2D-elliptic inverse problem based on $ \ell_{1} $/$ \ell_{0.5} $-IEKF. Red: Truth. Blue: $ \ell_p $-IEKF estimate. Left column: vanilla (non-regularized) IEKF. Middle column: $ \ell_p $-IEKF after three outer iterations. Right column: $ \ell_p $-IEKF after six outer iterations. Shaded: elementwise 2.5/97.5 percentile for parameter estimate

    Figure 7.  Parameter recovery for 2D-elliptic inverse problem based on $ \ell_{1} $/$ \ell_{0.5} $-IEKF-SL. Red: Truth. Blue: $ \ell_p $-IEKF-SL estimate. Left column: vanilla (non-regularized) IEKF-SL. Middle column: $ \ell_p $-IEKF-SL after three outer iterations. Right column: $ \ell_p $-IEKF-SL after six outer iterations. Shaded: elementwise 2.5/97.5 percentile for parameter estimate

    Table 4.1.  $ \ell_2 $-error between parameter estimate and true value

    $ \# $ of outer iteration
    Method 0th 1st 3rd
    $ \ell_{1} $-IEKF
    $ \ell_{0.5} $-IEKF
    $ \ell_{1} $-IEKF-SL
    $ \ell_{0.5} $-IEKF-SL
     | Show Table
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    Table 4.2.  Average width of credible intervals for recovery

    $ \# $ of outer iteration
    Method 0th 1st 3rd
    $ \ell_{1} $-IEKF
    $ \ell_{0.5} $-IEKF
    $ \ell_{1} $-IEKF-SL
    $ \ell_{0.5} $-IEKF-SL
     | Show Table
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    Table 4.3.  $ \ell_2 $-error between parameter estimate and true value

    $ \# $ of outer iteration
    Method 0th 3rd 6th
    $ \ell_{1} $-IEKF
    $ \ell_{0.5} $-IEKF
    $ \ell_{1} $-IEKF-SL
    $ \ell_{0.5} $-IEKF-SL
     | Show Table
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    Table 4.4.  Average width of credible intervals for recovery

    $ \# $ of outer iteration
    Method 0th 3rd 6th
    $ \ell_{1} $-IEKF
    $ \ell_{0.5} $-IEKF
    $ \ell_{1} $-IEKF-SL
    $ \ell_{0.5} $-IEKF-SL
     | Show Table
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